Township of Auroville

“Auroville will be a site of material and spiritual researches for a living embodiment of an actual Human Unity.” – Auroville Charter, 1968
Santé is situated in the state of Tamil Nadu in South India, in the growing international township of Auroville, a project that is already home to more than 3000 people from 48 countries.

Auroville is a community project that was initiated by the vision of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo, in 1968. Her vision was to create an intentional community that is rooted in the realisation of human unity. It should be noted that this unity in diversity is the core principle behind the overall evolution of human consciousness.
The way of life in Auroville motivates everyone to live more consciously, and to evolve in whatever field of work or professional activity they take up, making their work a contribution to the township and its inhabitants, whether it be in the context of the environment, education, building the city, or – as in our case – healthcare.
The development of Auroville is supported by the Government of India, which has afforded it unique legal status, various NGOs worldwide and by individuals globally. Auroville also enjoys the encouragement of UNESCO, whose General Assembly has passed 4 unanimous resolutions in support of this international experiment in community.
As Auroville evolves as a society, some of the activities pursued by its residents are, in many cases, on the cutting edge of conscious education, research and technology. These include cross-cultural education and bioregion development, holistic nutrition, conscious business practices, land restoration, renewable energy research, eco-friendly farming and reforestation, experimental construction techniques, traditional and complementary health care, alternative educational approaches, effective recycling and waste management education, and a strong emphasis on the arts and self expression. Santé: Auroville Institute for Integral Health today finds itself in a unique position to further global research into integral health and medicine.


Thus, Auroville could be defined as a multi-cultural meeting point and a living laboratory that is exploring the frontier of a new millennium in conscious living. Whatever Auroville’s material achievements, the main aim is towards inner metamorphosis; for in Auroville, one understands that without a radical change in consciousness, no permanent outer change can be effected.

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